Wednesday, October 20, 2010

this old barn

About two weeks ago we decided to take our somewhat yearly family photos.  This year in the old barn!  The barn is made from beautiful chestnut wood.  We have  had some good times there.  We have held fund raisers for Peach Bottom Concerned Citizens Group there to raise awareness of the dangers of factory farming and help to educate the public about sustainable farming.  Great times, great music! There was even some boot stompin' to some awesome fiddling that happened in this barn.  It is a shame that it needs so much work on the roof we could do some mean fundraising if this barn was fixed up!  Anyway I feel privileged to have had the  barn for the time that we have.  And love being able to take our families photos there.

1 comment:

  1. oops my post had some problems! I think the photo cut off part of my blog! It should have read...It is a shame that its needs so much work. And that there would be some mean fundraising if this barn was fixed up. sorry about the typo! And for all my quilt friends it would make a great quilt show venue.






