Monday, October 25, 2010

garden fairy

Stopped by my sisters the other morning and spotted the cutest little garden fairy!  Ava!

couldn't resist!

The leaves were so pretty, I just had to stop and take some pictures of the kids!  Taking time to enjoy the small moments of the day!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

a gift

This Monday when I picked up our veges from our csa, they had this lovely flower for the taking and I couldn't resist!  At first glance I gasped at its beauty.  And thought I had to capture this lovely gift with my camera. Ever since I was little I loved finding faces hidden in nature.  See if you can find a flower face in one of these photos!  I just had to look up the symbolic meaning of  the cockscomb flower and I found this.. they represent a joyous, uncomplicated affection. I thought this was appropriate seeing the little face in the flower looked like he was blowing a kiss!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

this old barn

About two weeks ago we decided to take our somewhat yearly family photos.  This year in the old barn!  The barn is made from beautiful chestnut wood.  We have  had some good times there.  We have held fund raisers for Peach Bottom Concerned Citizens Group there to raise awareness of the dangers of factory farming and help to educate the public about sustainable farming.  Great times, great music! There was even some boot stompin' to some awesome fiddling that happened in this barn.  It is a shame that it needs so much work on the roof we could do some mean fundraising if this barn was fixed up!  Anyway I feel privileged to have had the  barn for the time that we have.  And love being able to take our families photos there.

Monday, October 18, 2010

October spirit at the beach

Great fall weather at the beach, and some festive fall window displays too!  Thought everyone might enjoy getting into the October spirit of things!  I think the bright orange bike is how the town witch makes it around....couldn't find her broom! 

Assateague Island

Ever since I was a little girl I always wanted to visit Assateague Island.  Finally the 46 year old little girl in me made the trip.  It was worth it!  Enjoy my pics!





